5 Smart tips to clear your drain blockage

Blocked drains are such a problem that people all over the world face every day. This problem troubles people. Many people take many measures to prevent this. In today’s time, many remedies are available in the world, by which we can get rid of this problem. Today we will talk about this.

Blocked Drain Essex are a common problem occurring in homes today. Are you also troubled by this problem? Today we will know how we can stop this problem. In this article, you will be given 5 such tips, so that you can easily stop the problem of blocked drains.

The biggest problem is that you do not have control over your circumstances. You have no idea what is happening inside the pipe. And when you do not know how much dirt is inside your pipe, then this problem can take a big form in its coming time. But yes, if you have a pipe inspection camera, you can see inside the pipe with the help of it.

So now let’s talk about 5 tips from which you can stop this problem.

  1. Use a Drain Strainer – The small amount of garbage or debris is one of the main reasons for blocked drains. And when this small waste or debris gets trapped inside the pipe, it slowly stops the way of getting into the pipe. If you want to stop this, then you can use a drain strainer. The drain strainer is made of steel. You can apply it at the opening of your drain. This prevents small wastes from entering. You can buy it from any hardware shop near you.
  2. Pour Boiling Water – Even after doing a lot of cleaning of the drains, even small waste remains trapped in them. You can melt this waste with the help of hot water. You can use hot water once a week. But be careful while pouring hot water because it can burn your body.
  3. Use a Drain Hair Catcher – Getting your broken hair stuck in the drains of the house is a common problem. And when these hairs get stuck in the drains, it becomes very difficult to remove them. There are many types of drain hair catchers available in the markets today, using which you can remove the hair stuck in the drain.
  4. Use a Plunger – You can easily, quickly open the stopped drains with the help of a plunger. It consists of a rubber suction cup attached to a stick usually made of wood or plastic. A plunger works by suction and pressure. Its rubber cup is applied to the drain opening and the handle is moved up and down. This removes the stagnant water easily.
  5. Have Regular Pipe Inspections – You should have your house drains inspected periodically. You can call a professional for this. If you continue to inspect the drains from time to time, then you will find out the problem of blocked drains at the beginning itself.

So in this post, we learned what has blocked drains and how it continues to be a problem for people. We have also learned 5 tips to prevent this so that we can get rid of this problem easily.