Important Tips for Aircon Maintenance

Maintaining and regularly checking your air conditioner will prevent it from performing inefficiently and reduce the need of calling a professional hvac company san diego technician. Proper care and maintenance will increase the life expectancy of your AC and also lead to lesser operational expenses. Here are some tips on how to take care of your air conditioning system:

Know Your System’s Capacity

It is important to know the capacity of your system in order to get the most out of it. If you have an undersized system, it will run longer and harder than it should, resulting in frequent breakdowns. On the other hand, if it’s too big, it will turn off and on frequently, costing more in energy bills. The best thing to do is to consult a professional to find out the right size.

Clean or Replace Filters

One of the key aircon maintenance tasks is cleaning or replacing air filters. Dirty filters block the airflow, causing your AC unit to work harder as well as leading to breathing problems. Check your air filter every month and replace it when it’s clogged. Also, make sure to keep outdoor units clear of debris such as leaves and dirt.

Check Refrigerant Levels

Low refrigerant levels may cause your AC to struggle to cool your home. If your system does not produce cold air, you may need to add more refrigerant. It is highly recommended that you seek the help of a professional AC specialist to check the refrigerant levels.

Inspect Wiring and Coils

Loose wiring affects the performance of your air conditioner. Check all the wires in the air conditioner and tighten them. Also, inspect the evaporator and condenser coils for any damage. This can be done by looking for any leaks, rusting or corrosion. Replace any damaged coils right away.

Check Thermostat Settings

Another critical tip for aircon maintenance is to check thermostat settings. Make sure they are properly set according to your preferences. If the settings are wrong, the air conditioner may not function properly.

Check Condensate Line

The condensate line is responsible for carrying away excess water. If this line gets blocked or damaged, then it could lead to serious problems like contamination or moisture. It is wise to check it periodically to make sure it’s clear and functioning properly.

Schedule Professional Maintenance

Although there are several aircon do-it-yourself maintenance tasks, it is always best to have a professional technician inspect your air conditioner from time to time. Trained technicians can detect problems before they become expensive repairs. Regular inspections by a professional can extend the life of your system and help ensure higher efficiency.

With proper aircon maintenance, you can be sure that your air conditioner is running efficiently and safely. These tips will help you take better care of your air conditioner and save money at the same time. So, what are you waiting for? Start taking care of your air conditioner today!